At the beginning of this process, Warwick Council organized
a team of experts to review each CWS document for them. This Peer Review Team PRT is co-ordinated by Council's lawyer,
Peter Pickfield.
CWS gave Council a budget to pay for these experts. The PRT is completely
separate from the EASG, although Council arranged for Mr. Pickfield to attend each EASG meeting to answer questions.
We hope that more PRT members will attend future meetings because our technical questions require expert answers.
As you review the PRT comments, remember that CWS responds to these
comments but is not required to change the documents or to accept the PRT recommendations.
At the end of this EA process, the PRT will submit all its written
comments and recommendations to the Ministry of Environment. The MOE will consider the significance of the
PRT comments and decide if the expansion is to be approved or rejected based on the CWS documents.