Saturday June 14, 2003
Media release
CWS Rush for Landfill Approval Leaves
Public Behind
In a surprise move,
CWS has announced plans to submit its EA expansion application for the Warwick landfill without first allowing the public
to review the final documents. The
CWS plan violates the fundamental principles of community consultation, according to Rhonda Hustler, a member of the Warwick
Watford Landfill Committee (WWLC), the citizens group opposing the landfill expansion,
and member of the local Environmental Assessment Study Group (EASG) reviewing
the EA documents.
sudden move demonstrates how little respect they have for this community and the public process. To shut us out of reviewing, even reading, the final two documents before they are submitted to the Minister is outrageous. We will object to this plan at Monday nights EASG meeting.
In a fax sent to the community and EASG members Friday, June 13, Kevin Bechard, of CWS announced plans to refocus the
EA consultation process that would allow the EA to be submitted following review of DP
#7 [Impact Assessment]. The complete EA has nine documents in total. The EASG is currently reviewing
Draft Paper #6, Site Design.
CWS wants to submit DP #8 (Design and Operation Plan) and DP #9 (Impact
Management Plan and the Community Commitments Agreement) without consulting the community, the EASG, the peer reviewers, or
Warwick Council. The public would see the documents only after CWS had submitted
them for Ministry approval.
These two documents include CWSs final plans
for environmental protection, the health study, leachate treatment, and overall management details as well as the agreement between the company and the community. According to former Warwick Mayor and EASG member, Mac
Parker, All these documents should come together at the end, we should see exactly
what were facing, and consult with CWS on issues before they go to the Ministry. Instead,
CWS tries an end run for quick approval and shuts the public out of the process.
According to Rhonda Hustler, CWSs proposal
violates the original Terms of Reference (October 1999) and the consultation process agreed to in July 2001. CWS claims EASG meeting, members and the public expressed
concern about the length of time the EA review process is taking. Lynn
Badder, WWLC representative on the EASG, says the minutes of the meeting record
no such statements; instead, members have repeatedly objected to CWSs rushed timelines.
Mr. Bechard claims these changes will allow public comment on leachate treatment alternatives. We've demanded
more consultation on leachate treatment when CWS moved those plans out of the EA process where they belonged and into the EPA, a process that does not
include public consultation. The next EASG meeting
is this Monday June 16, where WWLC
representatives on the EASG will oppose the CWS plan.
Mac Parker (519) 828-3548
Lynn Badder (519) 876-2745
FYI: CWS Kevin Bechard
905 669-7195